Finals and Lassoing Unicorns

Finals week is here folks! Here and gone! I’ve been so crazy busy tying up loose ends of projects and studying for tests, that almost without realizing it, my finals were over! Time for fun! for music! for laughter and sunshine and summer and friends! HURRAY!!!!! Now I just have to clean up my work room… but first, a picture of my favorite project of the semester! (This is the one I showed you in my last post…in its early stages…two weeks ago…and never updated you…because I’m a failure at making blog updates…)IMG_1786This is Winkle! As a Unicorn, puppet, and wall hanging he poses a triple threat to any other project from this semester. He is sparkly, soft, fluffy, and quite a lot of fun to operate if I do say so myself. 😉 Puppets usually freak me out, no kidding, but this has been a lot of fun and I’d do it again. I accented his fluffiness with rhinestones, glitter, and metallic paint (reportedly all major no-no materials among the fine arts community….) So maybe I’m not cut out for fine art, or maybe I am, who knows? But, one thing I do know, I’m all about FUN art! Hands down, this was the most fun I had all semester! …and it gave me just the extra energy outlet I needed to finish the semester without developing a stress ulcer. 😉

Lassoed Unicorn – checkin that one off the bucket list!